Tiger Rank Requirements (1st Grade)
To earn the Tiger badge of rank, you must complete six required Adventures and any two elective Adventures.
Required Adventures:
Get to know the members of your den.
Recite the Scout Oath with your den, including your Tiger adult partner.
Have your Tiger adult partner or den leader read the Scout Law to you. Demonstrate your understanding of being trustworthy, helpful, or friendly.
Demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, Cub Scout salute, and Cub Scout handshake. Show how each are used.
Share with your Tiger adult partner, at a den meeting or at home, a time when you have demonstrated the Cub Scout motto "Do Your Best."
At home, with your parent or legal guardian, do the activities in the booklet "How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent's Guide."
Play a game with your den, or family members, that has a set of rules. Discuss why rules are important to the game you are playing.
With your Tiger Adult Partner, choose a job that will help your team. Follow through by doing that job at least once.
Play a game that requires at least 2 teams with your den, or two other family members. Afterwards discuss what it means to be part of a team and what makes a good team member.
Participate in a service project.
Identify the 5 different food groups.
Practice hand washing. Point out when you should wash your hands.
Be active for 30 minutes.
Practice methods that help you sleep.
With your parent or legal guardian talk about your family’s faith traditions. Identify three holidays or celebrations that are part of your family’s faith traditions. Draw a picture of your favorite family’s faith tradition holiday or celebration.
With your family, attend a religious service OR other gathering that shows how your family expresses Family & Reverence.
Carry out an act of kindness.
With permission from your parent or legal guardian watch the Protect Yourself Rules video for the Tiger rank.
With your Tiger adult partner, demonstrate Shout, Run, Tell as explained in the Protect Yourself Rules video.
With your Tiger adult partner, demonstrate how to access emergency services.
With your Tiger adult partner, demonstrate that you know what to do if you get lost or separated.
Identify the Cub Scout Six Essentials. Show what you do with each item.
With your den leader or Tiger adult partner, learn about the Outdoor Code.
With your den, pack, or family, take a walk outside spending for at least 20 minutes exploring the outdoors with your Cub Scout Six Essentials. While outside, identify things that you see with your Tiger adult partner that are natural and things that are manmade.
Identify common animals that are found where you live. Learn which of those animals is domesticated and which animal is wild. Draw a picture of your favorite animal.
Look for a tree where you live. Describe how this tree is helpful.
Elective Adventures:
Curiosity, Intrigue, and Magical Mysteries